Animal Success Stories

Happy Tails

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It is hard to believe it has been that long. Indy has definitely settled in to his home since the time we first got him. He has become a much more confident, assertive dog. He is no longer shy about asking for attention when he wants it... often times he walks up to you and starts cuddling with you where as before he wouldn't think of approaching you for love! He absolutely loves the lake, and will spend hours there if you let him. He has also come to a working relationship with Becca's cat Bo, and they'll even share the bed together! I never would have thought that they would have reached this point, given how much Bo would terrorize poor Indy at the start. Things have worked out incredibly well, and he has become a fixture in the neighborhood as well. Everyone within several blocks of us knows him and the Starbucks baristas adore him. Thank you again from the both of us for the opportunity to care for such a loving and caring dog.